How to add plugin settings to settings editor

This is a guide on how to add custom plugin settings to the settings editor. We will use the discordrpc plugin as an example.

  1. The first step is to add these imports

from dialog import Dialog
import configparser

We will need dialog to display the dialogs and configparser to read config.ini.

  1. The second step is to read the config file. You should put this right underneath your imports so that it gets run on start. You should also set the config variable to global so you can access it everywhere. Just add these lines after your imports.

global config
config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini")

This will set a global config variable for your plugin.

  1. Now we must make sure that your section in the config is added. This can be whatever you want, but for this example we’ll be using a section called discord. Underneath the reading of the config, just add:

if not config.has_section("discord"):
	with open("config.ini", "w") as configFile:
  1. The third step is to create your settings class. This will tell the calculator where to look for your settings. Somewhere in your plugin, add a settings class. You will need to put a variable called choices in this class. This variable will indicate what goes in the main settings menu, and consists of a bunch of tuples in a list. An example of this is the Theme setting, which says The colors the calculator will use. Add the settings class like this:

class settings:
	choices = [("Discord Rich Presence", "Display ImaginaryInfinity Calculator as your status in Discord"), ("Dynamic RPC", "Update Discord RPC on calculation")]

As you can see, we’re adding 2 settings. 1 entry for Discord Rich Presence, and 1 for Dynamic RPC.

  1. Next we have to add the actual code that handles the setting buttons being pressed. The calculator searches your plugin for a function in the settings class called settingsPopup. This function must take 2 arguments, tag and config. Just add an empty function with this name to your settings class. This is what your new settings class should look like:

class settings:
	choices = [("Discord Rich Presence", "Display ImaginaryInfinity Calculator as your status in Discord"), ("Dynamic RPC", "Update Discord RPC on calculation")]
	def settingsPopup(tag, config):
  1. Next, we have to initialize a new dialog in the function.

class settings:
	choices = [("Discord Rich Presence", "Display ImaginaryInfinity Calculator as your status in Discord"), ("Dynamic RPC", "Update Discord RPC on calculation")]
	def settingsPopup(tag, config):
		d = Dialog(autowidgetsize=True)

If we must now check which option the user selected. This value is stored in the tag argument. So for each option you have, add a part to the if statement.

class settings:
	choices = [("Discord Rich Presence", "Display ImaginaryInfinity Calculator as your status in Discord"), ("Dynamic RPC", "Update Discord RPC on calculation")]
	def settingsPopup(tag, config):
		d = Dialog(autowidgetsize=True)
		if tag == "Discord Rich Presence":
		elif tag == "Dynamic RPC":
  1. Now we must make each value display a dialog menu. Just create a new dialog menu with the different options of the setting in it. takes the arguments, choices=[choices])

class settings:
	choices = [("Discord Rich Presence", "Display ImaginaryInfinity Calculator as your status in Discord"), ("Dynamic RPC", "Update Discord RPC on calculation")]
	def settingsPopup(tag, config):
		d = Dialog(autowidgetsize=True)
		if tag == "Discord Rich Presence":
			richPresencMenu ="Discord Rich Presence", choices=[("Enable", "Enable Discord RPC"), ("Disable", "Disable Discord RPC")])
		elif tag == "Dynamic RPC":
			dynamicRPCMenu ="Update Discord RPC with your last done calculation", choices=[("Enable", "Enable Dynamic RPC"), ("Disable", "Disable Dynamic RPC")])
  1. We’re almost done now. Now we must check which option of the setting the user selected and apply that change. Just replace config["discord"]["tagName"] with config["mySection"]["myTagName"]

class settings:
	choices = [("Discord Rich Presence", "Display ImaginaryInfinity Calculator as your status in Discord"), ("Dynamic RPC", "Update Discord RPC on calculation")]
	def settingsPopup(tag, config):
		d = Dialog(autowidgetsize=True)
		if tag == "Discord Rich Presence":
			richPresencMenu ="Discord Rich Presence", choices=[("Enable", "Enable Discord RPC"), ("Disable", "Disable Discord RPC")])
			if richPresencMenu[0] == d.OK:
				# User selected ok instead of cancel
				if richPresencMenu[1] == "Enable":
					config["discord"]["enableRPC"] = "true"
					config["discord"]["enableRPC"] = "false"
		elif tag == "Dynamic RPC":
			dynamicRPCMenu ="Update Discord RPC with your last done calculation", choices=[("Enable", "Enable Dynamic RPC"), ("Disable", "Disable Dynamic RPC")])
			if dynamicRPCMenu[0] == d.OK:
				# User selected ok instead of cancel
				if dynamicRPCMenu[1] == "Enable":
					config["discord"]["dynamicPresence"] = "true"
					config["discord"]["dynamicPresence"] = "false"
  1. This last step is VERY IMPORTANT. You MUST return config at the end of the function, or else no settings will be applied. Just add return config at the end.

class settings:
	choices = [("Discord Rich Presence", "Display ImaginaryInfinity Calculator as your status in Discord"), ("Dynamic RPC", "Update Discord RPC on calculation")]
	def settingsPopup(tag, config):
		d = Dialog(autowidgetsize=True)
		if tag == "Discord Rich Presence":
			richPresencMenu ="Discord Rich Presence", choices=[("Enable", "Enable Discord RPC"), ("Disable", "Disable Discord RPC")])
			if richPresencMenu[1] == "Enable":
				config["discord"]["enableRPC"] = "true"
				config["discord"]["enableRPC"] = "false"
		elif tag == "Dynamic RPC":
			dynamicRPCMenu ="Update Discord RPC with your last done calculation", choices=[("Enable", "Enable Dynamic RPC"), ("Disable", "Disable Dynamic RPC")])
			if dynamicRPCMenu[1] == "Enable":
				config["discord"]["dynamicPresence"] = "true"
				config["discord"]["dynamicPresence"] = "false"
		return config